Doctor checking a patient | Wellness Co in Zeeland, MI

Chiropractic Care IN ZEELAND, MI At Wellness Co. Dr. Bosscher provides a patient-centered approach. The patient is not a number, it’s not quick assembly line adjusting, we don’t require a long treatment plan, and we expect results fast. A significant difference from a typical chiropractic visit, is the patient gets proper one on one time […]

Vaginal Rejuvenation In Zeeland, MI old

Vovita | Vaginal Rejuvenation In Zeeland, MI | Wellness Co

Vaginal Rejuvenation IN ZEELAND, MI Through the side effects of childbirth, menopause, and aging, the skin and tissue of the internal and external vaginal areas can become lax, causing functional difficulties. Vaginal rejuvenation tightens the inner vagina and addresses issues, such as sexual dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and stress incontinence. Wellness Co. employs the vaginal rejuvenation […]

Hormone Testing In Zeeland, MI

Hormone Testing card in doctor hand | Wellness Co. | Zeeland, MI

Hormone TESTING IN ZEELAND, MI Discover Your Hormone Harmony with DUTCH Testing! Uncover the secrets your hormones hold. Pave your way to vitality, clarity, and wellness. The DUTCH Test offers insights like never before, guiding you towards optimized health and possible causes for your symptoms. We use the results from your DUTCH test to provide […]

IV Therapy In Zeeland, MI

A Woman getting IV Therapy In Zeeland, MI | Wellness Co

IV THERAPY IN ZEELAND, MI At Wellness Co., intravenous (IV) therapy is an effective way to enhance your health and wellness with customized treatments. Our experienced team offers IV therapy to boost your immune system, treat minor mineral deficiencies, combat fatigue, and eradicate the symptoms of a hangover. Additionally, IV therapy can help to improve […]

Gut Testing In Zeeland, MI

GUT TESTING IN ZEELAND, MI The microbiome plays a crucial role in our overall health, yet it has often been overlooked in modern medicine. With decades of antibiotic use, medication, and poor dietary choices, our gut health has suffered. Whether or not you’re experiencing gastrointestinal issues, emerging research indicates that the state of your microbiome […]

Rapid COVID-19 Testing In Zeeland, MI

Rapid COVID-19 Testing in Zeeland, MI | Wellness Co

RAPID COVID-19 TESTING IN ZEELAND, MI COVID-19 testing has become a regular occurrence in the lives of many, especially those who often travel for work or work with the public. These include teachers, doctors, nurses, government employees, retail personnel, waitstaff, and more. COVID-19 hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down, and neither have our lives. […]

Lifestyle Package In Zeeland, MI

Kasey Felten, | Lifestyle Package In Zeeland, MI | Wellness Co

LIFESTYLE PACKAGE IN ZEELAND, MI This is a comprehensive 6 month program where we utilize blood work, gut/hormone testing, and continuous glucose monitoring to provide you customized education, lifestyle, supplement and dietary interventions. This package has been carefully curated by our concierge team and is designed to kickstart and sustain your wellness journey. Looking to […]

Concierge Family Practice In Zeeland, MI

Baby getting treatment on eras | Concierge Family Practice In Zeeland, MI | Wellness Co

CONCIERGE FAMILY PRACTICE IN ZEELAND, MI Wellness Co. healthcare providers genuinely care about the health and wellness of each individual they serve.Our providers pride themselves in utilizing the most up to date and advanced practices to provide you a customized experience. Medicine is not a one-size fits all model. At Wellness Co., we provide you […]

Fascial Stretch Therapy

Fascial Stretch Therapy in Zeeland, MI | Wellness Co

Fascial stretch therapy (FST), also called the neuromyofascial manual therapy method, is a system of stretches that focuses on the connective tissue system rather than isolated muscle treatment. Our trained therapists in Zeeland, MI assess all ranges of motion in functional positions and movements, making the therapy ideal for people of all ages and athletic […]


IPL treatment in Zeeland, MI | Wellness Co

When you struggle with how your facial skin appears because of sun damage or dark spots, Wellness Co. can perform a skin examination at our Zeeland, MI office to determine if you qualify for intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy. A photofacial with IPL is a skin rejuvenation treatment for adult women and men with hyperpigmentation […]

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