
Medical Grade Skincare Vs. Over The Counter

Skincare products arranged in a shelf | Wellness Co in Zeeland, MI

As a licensed esthetician, I try to stress the importance of good skincare. Many people question if medical grade skincare is better than over-the-counter products. The answer? YES!!! Always yes! There are many reasons why, but here are three you should know:

1. Medical grade skincare is FDA approved. What does that mean? That it is highly regulated and tested for quality. You can feel confident that the ingredients are the best possible in medical grade skincare.

2. Medical grade products are formulated to be more potent than over-the-counter products. These products will have a higher amount of the active ingredient. They use prescription strength ingredients to give you the best results and to aid in your skin health. Which means, you will have to use less medical skincare than over-the-counter products in the long run.

3. Medical grade products are made to be absorbed into the skin. Over-the-counter products simply sit on the surface of your skin. Medical grade products will penetrate the epidermis and will benefit deeper levels into the skin. Giving you longer and better lasting results.

Where can you buy medical grade products? At Wellness Co., we have trusted medical grade skincare we sell in office & online. Checkout our online store: https://wellnesscoshop.co/

You can also purchase at some doctor and dermatologist offices. Ask your favorite esthetician or your dermatologist what medical grade products are best for you!

I asked one of my patients for their opinion on medical grade skincare products. They switched from over-the-counter cleansers and lotions from their local Target. Here’s what she had to say, “My skin has never felt smoother and healthier. I use less product now but have better results. My makeup goes on easier, and I have less bouts of frequent dryness that I used to deal with.”

Medical grade skincare is the BEST, hands down. It is worth the money and your skin is worth the investment! If you have more questions or are interested in knowing where to start, give our office a call and set up a complimentary skin care consult.

Brooke Terpstra, LE

Wellness Co.

(616) 741-2364

Zeeland, MI

Kindly contact our office for exact pricing details, as rates may vary.

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